Taking the pain out of passwords and authentication
Passwords are a pain for us all - programmers, users and admins alike. How can we reduce that pain, or eliminate it entirely?
This talk will
- Review research into techniques that improve the usability of password systems, and mitigate shortcomings
- Introduce the new standards Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) & Universal Second Factor (U2F)
- Describe how they streamline authentication, even eliminate passwords entirely
- Show how to integrate UAF/U2F in Django and other Python frameworks
- Summarize the state of support for UAF & U2F in browsers, devices, and the wider world
- <del>Introduce Sonipass - a project to replace passwords, even on existing websites</del>
m-BioSecure Project Manager (Mobile Bamking Security)
Start-up : Algerian IT Security Group
Address : Cyber Park de Sidi Abdellah
E1 S6 ST 15
Incubateur Techno-bridge
Route Nationale n° 63 Rahmania Zeralda
BP n° 61 Mahelma 16121 Alger - ALGERIE
Mobile : 00 213 551 258 291
Email : biometric.security@laposte.net
Skype : ourdani.yassine
LinkedIn : Yassine OURDANI