If you are not at your notebook, you might want to follow and organize your EuroPython conference attendance using the guide we have created using the Guidebook app for the EuroPython 2015 conference.
This allows you to have the full schedule and many other useful details and communication features right on your mobile phone:
We will regularly issue updates to the guidebook when there are changes in schedule.
This is available in several flavors:
The native apps have the advantage of allowing to use the guidebook in offline mode.
Once you have the Guidebook app installed, search for "EuroPython 2015" and download the guide.
If you're more into quick setups, you can use the following QR codes for the installation.
This code will direct you to the Guidebook app listing in the App Store (iOS), Play Store (Android), or the mobile web version, depending on which type of phone you use:
This code is for the EuroPython 2015 guide itself. Once you have the Guidebook app installed, you can use its scanning feature to download the guide.