EuroPython 2015

pytest - simple, rapid and fun testing with Python

The py.test tool presents a rapid and simple way to write tests for your Python code. This training gives a quick introduction with exercises into some distinguishing features. We’ll do exercises where we get existing non-pytest test suites to run with pytest and discuss migration strategies. We’ll finish with discussing topics and questions of participants related to their own test suites and usages.

This is the planned outline:

  • (30 minutes) pytest feature walkthrough: automatic test discovery, assert statement, modular parametrizable fixtures, 150 plugins

  • (60 minutes) pytest fixture mechanism: dependency injection, declaring and using function/module/session scoped fixtures, using fixtures from fixture functions, parametrizing fixtures. Exercises.

  • (30 minutes): running nose/unittest/trial/Django suites with pytest. Discussing advantages and limitations. Exercise with a select existing real-life open source project.

  • (30 minutes): Strategies for a) migrating to pytest b) using “autouse” fixtures in conjunction with XUnit-based setup/tearodwn methods. Exercise.

  • (30 minutes): open space for questions and interactively solving pytest/unittest integration problems on real-life problems as time permits.

in on Monday 20 July at 14:30 See schedule
in on Monday 20 July at 14:30 See schedule

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