OpenCV Python bindings provide several ready to use tools for camera calibration, image recognition and camera position estimation. This talk will show how to recognize a picture, from a library of known paintings, and compute the camera position with respect to the recognized picture using OpenCV and numpy. This is applied to a tourist guide application for Google Glass through the recognition of the paintings exposed in the museum.
m-BioSecure Project Manager (Mobile Bamking Security)
Start-up : Algerian IT Security Group
Address : Cyber Park de Sidi Abdellah
E1 S6 ST 15
Incubateur Techno-bridge
Route Nationale n° 63 Rahmania Zeralda
BP n° 61 Mahelma 16121 Alger - ALGERIE
Mobile : 00 213 551 258 291
Email :
Skype : ourdani.yassine
LinkedIn : Yassine OURDANI