A workshop introducing participants to physical computing with Python and Raspberry Pi.
Learn how to build applications with Python that interact with the physical world - using the Pi’s GPIO (general purpose input & output) pins and its camera module and their respective Python libraries.
We’ll start simple - flashing LEDs, using push buttons, basic use of the camera module, then introduce sensors such as infra-red motion detectors, temperature sensors and light sensors, then we’ll build interactive applications (embedded apps, desktop apps and web apps) using the sensors and camera module for a variety of different purposes.
Embedded or physical computing is not just for C programmers or hardcore Linux engineers - I’ll show you how to get up and running with your first physical world application and show how easy it is to control GPIOs and the camera module from the language you know and love (and can read). This will prepare you for making your own hardware project idea a reality - build a security system, a robot or a home automation system.
This workshop is well suited to beginners with a basic understanding of Python code, but is also suitable for those more experienced with Python but with little or no experience with physical computing.
participation by the attendees ?
If attendees participate (that is: work hands-on on their own machines):
Please give detailed requirements (OS, additional software/python modules
needed etc) and installation hints ! Otherwise you lose half of the training
just setting up the environment for all participants ;-).
Furthermore, is every participant supposed to an own Raspberry with him/her. Or will it be possible to buy one on site ???
m-BioSecure Project Manager (Mobile Bamking Security)
Start-up : Algerian IT Security Group
Address : Cyber Park de Sidi Abdellah
E1 S6 ST 15
Incubateur Techno-bridge
Route Nationale n° 63 Rahmania Zeralda
BP n° 61 Mahelma 16121 Alger - ALGERIE
Mobile : 00 213 551 258 291
Email : biometric.security@laposte.net
Skype : ourdani.yassine
LinkedIn : Yassine OURDANI