This tutorial explores some real-world solutions to make your Python code run on different processes, possibly on different computers.
Tools like Pyro, Celery, Python-RQ will be discussed. Ways to run your Python code on a supercomputer/cluster using a batch job scheduler and packages for local parallelism such as multiprocessing and concurrent.futures will be touched upon as well.
The emphasis is on practical examples and lessons learned. The assumption is that the attendee is familiar with Python and basic OOP concepts.
m-BioSecure Project Manager (Mobile Bamking Security)
Start-up : Algerian IT Security Group
Address : Cyber Park de Sidi Abdellah
E1 S6 ST 15
Incubateur Techno-bridge
Route Nationale n° 63 Rahmania Zeralda
BP n° 61 Mahelma 16121 Alger - ALGERIE
Mobile : 00 213 551 258 291
Email :
Skype : ourdani.yassine
LinkedIn : Yassine OURDANI