Removing UneXploded Ordnance (UXO) from minefields at the end of a conflict is a very time-consuming and expensive operation. Advanced satellite image processing can detect changes and activities on the ground and represent them on a map that can be used by operators to classify more dangerous zones and safer areas, potentially reducing the time spent on field surveys.
We exploit space-borne radar Earth images together with thematic data for mapping activities on the ground using numpy, scipy and gdal. The Activity Map generation process to be shown will be implemented using IPython Notebook.
m-BioSecure Project Manager (Mobile Bamking Security)
Start-up : Algerian IT Security Group
Address : Cyber Park de Sidi Abdellah
E1 S6 ST 15
Incubateur Techno-bridge
Route Nationale n° 63 Rahmania Zeralda
BP n° 61 Mahelma 16121 Alger - ALGERIE
Mobile : 00 213 551 258 291
Email :
Skype : ourdani.yassine
LinkedIn : Yassine OURDANI